The Pepper-Verse Collection
Creating the Pepper-Verse Collection was never something I imagined for myself. This unique NFT collection grew out of my personal journey—one filled with challenges, creativity, and an embrace of the unexpected. My story starts with my struggle to deal with PTSD and finding solace through art and digital creation. In this blog, I’ll share how the Dr Pepper-Verse came to be, why it matters to me, and how it reflects my journey to healing and artistic expression.
Healing Through Creativity: From PTSD to Poster Art
After struggling with PTSD, I found myself searching for ways to deal with the chaos in my mind. It was in these moments of turmoil that I discovered a surprising form of help—MDMA-assisted therapy. It felt like a switch had flipped in my head, allowing me to finally access the good memories I had buried and push away the fear. With this new sense of clarity, I found that I could smile, laugh, and reconnect with creativity. Most importantly, I could reconnect with the people I loved.
One day, I decided to try my hand at poster art. It wasn’t something I ever saw myself doing, but it felt right. There was something profoundly healing about pouring my emotions into colors, shapes, and designs. The process helped me channel my feelings, and soon, I found that others actually enjoyed the art I was creating. The positive response from people around me was a game-changer. It showed me that what I was making wasn’t just about the visuals—it was about capturing emotions, memories, humor, and those lost parts of myself that I was slowly reclaiming.
The Birth of the Pepper-Verse Collection
My creative journey led me to start making some truly unique and, frankly, weird art—like the Pepper-Verse Collection. This NFT collection is my way of taking something ordinary and twisting it into something that’s meaningful, funny, and even a little absurd. Why Dr Pepper? Well, it all started as an inside joke with my brother. We used to laugh about how Dr Pepper kept me very sober, like it was my secret weapon. That humor stuck with me, and before I knew it, I started creating art inspired by those memories—surprisingly, even with AI, which I didn’t think would normally allow it. But there it was, letting me bring this quirky idea to life.
The Pepper-Verse Collection is about embracing absurdity, celebrating the simple joys, and letting go of fear. It’s a reflection of my journey and the progress I’ve made, and it’s also an invitation for others to join in on the fun. The more I create, the less I hurt, and the more people get to laugh and enjoy. Each piece is a mix of nostalgia, humor, and a touch of rebellion—an exploration of the multiverse that lives in my head. It might be strange, but it’s real, and it feels like I’m finally making things that mean something, even if they’re a little crazy. A Space for Creative Exploration
This is what I want to bring to an example of the kind of creative exploration I offer to the world. Whether it’s for someone’s viewing pleasure or their displeasure—which is, in turn, my pleasure—there’s always something for everyone. The Pepper-Verse Collection is just one of the many strange dreams I’m putting out there. My art isn’t about perfection; it’s about creating a space where people can laugh, be surprised, or even just scroll past with a smile. It’s about turning the ordinary into the extraordinary and inviting others to join me on this journey.
Whether you call it soda or pop, Pepper Christ and the Pepper-Verse Collection welcome all believers. And if you’re looking for something different, something a little wild, or something that just makes you think, you’ve come to the right place. I hope you’ll stick around to see where this journey takes us, and maybe find a bit of joy along the way.
Conclusion: Creating for Healing and Laughter
The more I create, the more I heal. That’s what drives me to keep going, to make more art, and to keep putting my weird visions into the world. Whether it’s NFTs, poster art, or anything else that comes to mind, I hope my work can make someone out there smile, laugh, or feel a connection. The Pepper-Verse Collection is just the beginning, and I’m excited to keep sharing more with the world—no matter how strange it gets.